Thursday, June 28, 2007

The People Here are Crazy

There was a thunderstorm last night and I was way too hyper to do much of anything.

What did we do yesterday....

Tour of Haverford college. Nice place, I loved their library. But I like Bryn Mawr campus better.

Topic conferences to get comments for our first draft. D liked mine and had really interesting things to say about it. Things I hadn't really ever focused on when looking at my own work. Like character motivation in relation to description. Is something described in a way that relates to how this character thinks, not just because it sounds cool. And the use of adjectives in relation to the tone and feel of the scene.

Today in class we talked about truth. The first thing I said was does the truth matter. No one else has been in my English class.

Last night we had an open mic night. It was really cool to hear other people's works. Our MC was one of the Urban Studies profs and she said "If I pronounce anyone's names wrong, tell me. And lets welcome J.C." J.C. is one of the Creative Writing Profs, she's really cool. She got up to read her poem and said: "That's not how you pronounce my name." The other Urban Studies prof read a poem in the same accent as Tia Dalma from Pirates, I forget what it's called. But it was awesome!

We're turning in the revised draft of our first piece tomorrow. I have spent the past twenty four hours thinking about four pages. Today I played with two paragraphs for an hour. I wish I went over the rest of it with such a fine toothed comb but my patience is not that good. Oh well, I'm pretty happy with it. I think if I add any more to it I'll kill it. So - enough!

The people here are nuts. The science people officially hate us, we've been banned from the third floor lounge. So we're going to steal their DVD player and watch Rocky Horror.

At lunch we were talking... about racism! That's right, the Urban Studies kids were talking about it this morning. And we were talking about racist ice cream and then Paloma (she's from Bolivia and she's awesome) said "I have a friend who's bi-curious." And Ruth said: "So he's like ice cream?"

They've also come up with new ethnicities. Like 'Blasian' which is a black Asian. And 'Blew' - a black jew. And decided, that since I'm like two drops Hawaiian, I'm Asian. Don't know how that works out.

This afternoon an actor named... something I forget, came and did a part of her one act for us. It was amazing. She was like... five different people and there were a lot more in the rest of the play. Her British accent was beautiful. The play was... the Sangryia Tree, I think. I don't have my schedule with me.

Tomorrow we're going to Philadelphia.


Lauren said...

How did the conversation involving "does the truth matter?" go? And you definetly need to bring it up during every other discussion you have with that group of people.

Lena said...

It was a lot about the writer's role in truth, how we are responsible for truth in our stories. Also how truth within the book we're reading effects how we see the characters

Leanne said... know, it sounds like you're having waaaay more fun over there than you should be - but only because here is not much fun at the moment. i miss you, and i can't wait to see you when you get back, because you will have awesome stories~!

Lena said...

Yeah, I'm having way too much fun. I love the people here, they're awesome.

ExDaddy said...

Redd thinks she gets to write comments, too. She wants to rub them into the keyboard. She sends you a big purr.
