Saturday, May 13, 2006

My pond

My pond is done. I'm so pleased with myself. Well, not completely done, but done for now, I might make adjustments later.


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Really sunny.

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My fish, there are actually seven but one was hiding.

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Truman the Duck

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Intro! For Parker

Vita is a college age student living in a fictional London type place. She lives in a crappy flat with two guys, Jasper and Duncan. Jasper is a singer and an actor, a gay straight guy who thinks he’s too cool for school. Duncan is a painter and a sculptor who takes philosophy classes, he’s very avant-garde, bohemian, very serious, always in love. Mrs. Mitchell is their landlady. Mr. Cabbage used to be a professor at the university until he retired to the country. But he gets bored so he still writes to Vita. Lady Otter is a society lady who’s manipulative, controlling, and generally evil. I think she’s fascinating. Vita used to be her secretary but quit. There’s only two other people who haven’t come up yet, Dorothy: Vita’s rich friend who spends all her time traveling to random locations and sends a lot of postcards. And Ms. West, who teaches at the college and is Vita’s nemesis. I think I’m introducing one other person later, but I’ll let you know. Everyone else is pointless and you can ignore them.

There- Happy?

Oh, and Vita is NOT me. In case you were wondering.

Now I'm off to come up with something vaguely plot-like

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Dear Mr. Cabbage,

I'm very sorry to hear the dogs trampled your lillies. That's what comes from having dogs. At least you're getting a 'very sorry' from me. I told Jasper, he doesn't care a wit. I wanted to tell Duncan, as he is bound to care, you know him, but he's been out wandering since yesterday afternoon. Jasper says he's in love, although with whom we couldn't say. I hope he is. Things are always so much more entertaining when Duncan's in love.
Mrs. Mitchell has actually noticed you're gone. And not only noticed but done something about it. She pulled me aside on the stair well and told me for a good half hour (I was late for work of course) about how you never came around for tea and gingersnaps anymore. I told her you've moved and she almost started to cry. I almost started to laugh. She says you must come and see her. So there's your excuse to come to town. Lady Otter is ignoring me.


Monday, May 01, 2006


Dear Mr. Cabbage,

So you haven't forgotten me. Or do you only write when you're in town to see the opera? Sorry, teasing. I haven't seen Madam Butterfly yet, Jasper is boycotting it. He tried out for the lead and lost it because he was too young. One would think that would help his vanity not hurt it. I'll try and get in later this week.

I stopped working for Caroline Otter the week before you left, and I haven't started again. She's poisonous. But you know me too well, I'm still in contact with her. She was in Paris last week, I wasn't asked to come. She saw Lawrence Massey anyway, someone I could never see again and it would be too much. I know this will make you sniffy. Blow your nose. She has her good days.

I'm glad you're enjoying the retired life. Wordsworth misses you dreadfully, come and collect her?


Dear Lady Otter,

Yes, I’m still working at the cafĂ©. You think it’s low class and dirty and a terrible place to work. You’ve told me. But you’re not working there, I am. I like there. It pays well and the hours aren’t horrible and there are interesting people.

Of course I’m still going to school. How could you even think I wouldn’t be.

Now look what you’ve made me do, I’ve gotten snippy. We’ve got different lifestyles. I’m glad you enjoyed Paris. It was always too fast of a city for me. No matter how much you told me to like it. You take everything faster than I do anyway, I’ve got to absorb. Thank you for mentioning me to that friend of yours. I do appreciate it, I do, but don’t do it again. Duncan hates it.

Very Sincerely, Vita