Friday, December 30, 2005


Walked prolly about three miles. Prolly less really. Took the bus home. Just walked for the sake of walking, not really anything else. Went and looked at the ducks. Wednesday I went cross-country skiing, good time. I forgot how much work that is. Yesterday I did nothing except eat copious amounts of chocolate mousse. Today I walked and it rained.

Sorry, I'm kind of zonked. I just saw Crash. There probably isn't much hope for humans is there.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

my mother's birthday

Fun fun fun. It didn't rain as much today. Walked another four or so miles downtown at a brisk pace. Very good smells coming out of resturants. Got said hi to by an old guy in a wheel chair by the retirement apartments near the market. (A very strange place which has used condoms in it's shrubbery on a regular basis... or maybe it's the same used condom. I don't know) Strange and slightly creepy? You betcha. No name calling at Starbucks though. Hon or shit head. Sat next to a table with two college students discussing the meaning of the word co-op. I thought it was rather funny but didn't add to the conversation. I now know the codes to both of the bathrooms there. Girls it's 1-2-3-4 and guys it's 2-2-4-3 in case anyone wanted to know.


Right! My invisible friend reminded me of that. What did I have for breakfast? Did I have breakfast? YES, I did. That's right. McVities. Three of them. The best thing to come out of England since Absolutely Fabulous. Lunch... corn, cheese, apple, carrot, copious amounts of milk. Dinner. Waterstreet cafe for mother's birthday. Caesar salad and rootbeer.

Oh yeah, and one short mocha at about four.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Don't call me hon

New blog. Facsinating.

Walked downtown to get exercise. Probably the first time I've done that. It wasn't much different than any other time I've gone downtown though. I played the green light game (come to a cross walk and go at which ever light is green) but discovered that isn't the best game to play at night, you end up in some not so thrilling parts of town. Went to Starbucks and got called "hon" three times by the cashier. *le sigh* I would rather be called shit head than hon. It's probably because I have pink in my hair. I need wrist cuffs and a lip piercing and a shirt with an exed out barbie on it. That would make sure they wouldn't call me hon. There was a new server there tonight though. Not the one who called me hon. Never seen her before. Honestly, my life ambitions are to publish something and have one of the Starbucks people remember me. So total walking, prolly about four miles. Did go up the evil Garfield st. hill.

**Note to any and all who read this blog, I swear like a sailor because I am a sailor.**