Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Hey cool! I figured out how to update this blog from school without getting the access denied dealie. I tried to figure it out during english yesterday, but it wouldn't work.

Today I'm sitting in on a blog workshop that Anderson is putting on for the teachers. I think it's very, very amusing. He's very well versed in the subject. He probably knows how to get around all the firewalls. I think I want to be a computer hacker in my next life. Foiling computer system gives me such joy. Sort of like biking really fast in the roundabouts.

I can sign up for NaNo on Sunday!!!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Spanish Poetry

Today's Monday so I should update in Spanish, but I don't have the energy. I did get a Spanish English dictionary that tells me how to say all sorts of lovely things. I'm quite thrilled by it.


It's very sad I'm so into this and I can't even vote. I blame Sparkle Parkle.

Since I'm not updating in Spanish, a Spanish poem. Hopefully I'll have it translated by next Monday.


No fue pasion aquello,
Fue una ternura vaga...
La que inspiran los ninos enfermizos,
Los tiempos idos y las noches palidas.

El espiritu solo
Al conmoverse canta:
Cuando el amor lo agita poderoso
Tiembla, medita, se recoge y calla.

Pasion hubiera sido
En verdad; estas paginas
En otro tiempo mas feliz escritas,
No tuvieron estrofas sino lagrimas.
-Jose Asuncion Silva

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Cool website:

Or, at least, I thought it was interesting.