Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bored in Bio

Yeah, I really only update this at school. And never with anything particularly interesting to say. Bored in bio. Sick of transcription, translation, and replication. It can go die, I don't care how DNA does its thing. Psych test moved till Monday, thank god. HOTA quiz wasn't as bad as I expected.

Six more minutes... what can I talk about for six more mintues?

Five more minutes.

New story on LJ that's very good. I don't like too much angst but a fair bit is fine. I can handle as much fluff as they'll throw at me, fluff is good.

Hah, time to go!

Monday, January 22, 2007


So it would appear I only update this when I am putting off homework or I am at school. It had a better purpose when it was an exercise blog. Now I just ramble about things. Like the next WNT game on the 26th against Germany. Which we actually might not win. Because our four best players aren't playing. Where the fuck is Abby and why isn't she playing. And Lilly and Aly. At least they're back for the offical world cup games.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Random Update

I don't really know why I'm updating this. Maybe because Parker updated his and I must keep up. If I do start using this I'll have four blogs. That seems too many for anyone. Even me, who likes to ramble on about myself more then the sane person. And LJ is just a better blog host. That's how it goes.

This is shit, it's only January and I've lost all interest in doing homework. Lost all motivation for doing anything which annoys me to no end. Like the biology lab that would take me about five minutes if I just felt like doing it. I've been telling myself I need to do it for the past two hours and I still haven't worked up the energy. That's sad.

Going to do the bio lab. Need the sleep.
