Sunday, April 30, 2006


Dear Lady Otter,

Most glad to have recieved your letter. I had heard you were going to Paris and was worried it had missed you. It is a pity you are in Paris, the street fair was wonderful. It rained most of the day but the sun came out just as the parade started. The whole crowd seemed united in a common age by the general excitement. My cousin Julian says you were asked to join his club he started with some friends. Take my advice and don't. It's very frivilous and tiresome. Come and visit me when you get back unless you stay until after the fourth, I'm going out to Leaska to hear a lecture on magic.

Yours very sincerely, Vita

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Haven't been here in a bit. May start updating again, who knows. I dunno. I like livejournal so much better as a blog site. Or I'll start my other blog again. So, I have three blogs. Wow. Excellent. This one probably should get a purpose. . . I found out I passed the class I started it for. That's fun.

Saw Syriana tonight. Very good movie. Slightly crazy and hard to follow but very good. Should be seen by many because it's an important movie that deals with oil and modern politics and sounds sort of true. And had very good charactization I thought. Showed both sides of characters, good and bad traits. Very good.

Eegads, tis late and I haven't read Twelfth Night yet. Ah I love that play. I really really do. But I think I'm going to bed now, I'll read it later.

OOOOOOOOOOOOH, A thought! This will be a photo blog. Because it sounds very spiffy and cool and I think I should have one. I shall document my adventures with photos. And Monday will be Spanish day when I can only update in Spanish.

Gee, I wonder how long this will last...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

April first

Since I officially suck at celebrating April Fools Day:

Happy Fish Day!!!

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It's a French thing. And our entire school is now totally plastered with paper fish. Even the Spanish rooms even though those fish had to get there by STEALTH!!!